Exhibit A: The nana we hired, who did sub-par cleaning, wasn't careful w/ cleaning products around the baby, and when told that the walls needing wiping (small hands, big dirt), said that she didn't like the wall texture, and wouldn't have it in her house (and then she proceeded to watch me clean the walls). Her indignation about Vivi and I napping, when Vivi was recovering from an ear infection during her "vacuuming time" didn't help things either.
Exhibit B: The nana I saw at the park, who, instead of noticing the little girl she was "watching" had to go to the bathroom (15 minutes of crotch-holding), looked at her nana friend's phone pictures, then took another 10 minutes, after little girl had wet herself, to notice, and then change her clothes in the middle of the crowded park.
Exhibit C: The nana who pushed a stroller all the way to the park, sat on a bench for 30 minutes, while the little boy she was "watching" watched other kids play, from his stroller. Then left.
Exhibit D: The general realization that nana's have no skills, no training, and very little education. They qualify for their job with the willingness to do it. And with their willingness to take very little money to raise other people's children. Badly.
I hope everyone who has, will, or might ask me, pityingly, why I don't have a nana, reads this and understands that I feel I am better qualified to take care of my child than a Peruvian whose only qualification for doing so is poverty. If I was a hard-core democrat (or a democrat at all, for that matter), I might agree with the sentiment of feeling obligated to provide employment for those who need it. But I'm not, and I don't. I'm off now to do some above par cleaning, then provide my child with a stimulating afternoon.
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Word. What would the world be like if everyone actually raised their own child? Sounds crazy, I know...
I dunno. I think a lot of it is that we hear "nana" and think "nanny". That's a mistake. Nannies usually are trained nursery nurses, Nanas, and I like how you say it "are qualified by their willingness to do the job".
In my house, first and foremost she's a cleaner. She does a small amount of babysitting, but I prefer to hang out with my kids myself.
But I'm not about to give up on the cleaner part, even if it's not perfect, it still means that I don't have to do it. And that's a good thing.
When are we food shopping next? I'm hungry.
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